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Topics Dr. Kelli frequently presents are:
If there is a topic you do not see listed, please contact us to discuss further. Dr. Kelli presents on a wide variety of topics related to neurological and neurodegenerative disorders, as well as topics related to speech therapy in adults.
Invited Presentations
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 October). National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing Chapter Guest Lecture, Buffalo State University. Virtual
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 September). Neurology Cases in Speech Guest Lecture, Northeastern University, Charlotte, NC.
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 August). Thinking Outside The Box On Your Speech Path. 8% Summit, Charlotte, NC.
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 May). Concussion, TBI, and Concussion in Athletes & The Role of SLPs. Wisconsin Rehab, Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 March). TBI/Concussion in Athletes & The Role of SLPs. North Carolina Central University. Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 March). Concussion, TBI, and CTE in Athletes & The Role of SLPs. Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC.
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 February). TBI/Concussion in Athletes & The Role of SLPs. Annual Convention of the South Carolina Speech Language Hearing Association, Spartanburg, SC.
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 February). Thinking Outside the Box About Your Career Journey. Annual Convention of the South Carolina Speech Language Hearing Association, Spartanburg, SC.
Uitenham, K. A. (2023 February). Speech Language Pathology & Private Telepractice. Purdue University. Virtual
Uitenham, K. A. (2022 August). Thinking Outside the Box About Your Career Journey. Annual 8% Summit, Charlotte, NC.
Uitenham, K. A. (2022 March). What’s In Your TBI Tool Kit? Annual Head to Speech Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion Summit. Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (2022 February). Speech Language Pathology & Private Telepractice. Purdue University. Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (2022 January). Speech Language Pathology and Oral Motor Examinations. Charlotte Area Health Education Center Medical Professional. Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (2021 January). Speech Language Pathology and Oral Motor Examinations. Charlotte Area Health Education Center Medical Professional. Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (2020 April). Private Telepractice. National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing Virtual Conference.
Uitenham, K. A. (2021 February). Speech Language Pathology & Private Telepractice. Purdue University. Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (2019 January). Speech Language Pathology and Oral Motor Examinations. Charlotte Area Health Education Center Medical Professional. Charlotte, NC.
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 October). Concussion, TBI, and CTE and the SLP’s Role. Annual Convention of the Maryland Speech-Language and Hearing Association, Clinical Connections, College Park, MD.
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 September). Concussion, TBI, and CTE and the SLP’s Role. Annual Convention of the Kansas Speech-Language and Hearing Association, Wichita, KS.
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 May). Mental Health America. Fredericksburg, VA.
Uitenham, K. A., Rowe, P. (2024 April). Long COVID Related Brain Fog: Cultural Implications in Evaluation and Treatment. Annual Convention of the Minnesota Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A., Hay, C., Hao, G. (2024 April). Innovative Clinical Training to Support Learners with Different Learning Style. Annual Convention of the National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing, Raleigh, NC.
Uitenham, K. A., Hao, G. (2024 April). Cultural Competemility Practice in Gender Affirming Voice Care. Annual Convention of the National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing, Raleigh, NC.
Davis, K., Kennedy, J., Allen, T., Latimer-Hearn, D., Uitenham, K. A., Holt, Y. (November 2021). Started from the bottom, now my whole team’s here: Black women and the academy. Virtual presentation Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A., Gorham, D., & Keller-Bell, Y. (2013 April). Cross-cultural comprehension of idiomatic speech. Poster presentation at the National Black Association for Speech Language and Hearing, Washington, D.C.
Panel Appearances
BIPOC Panel (2024 October). Columbia University, Virtual.
Medical SLP Panel (2024 July). Western Michigan University, Virtual.
PhD vs. SLPD Panel (2024 April). Howard University, Virtual.
Being Black in Healthcare Panel (2024 February). Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, Virtual.
8% Summit Panel Moderator (2023 August) 8% Summit, Charlotte, NC.
PhD vs. SLPD Panel (2023 April). Howard University, Washington, D.C.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Panel, (2022 June) Sacred Heart University, Virtual.
PhD vs. SLPD Panel (2022 April). Howard University, Washington, D.C.
Uitenham, K. A., Johnson, P., & Criswell, V. (2020, April). The effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on muscle contraction of the suprahyoid muscles in patients 65 years and older with stroke related dysphagia. Unpublished manuscript, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions.
Upcoming Engagements
December 5-7, 2024 | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association – Seattle, WA
December 7, 2024 | Black SLP Magic – Seattle, WA
January 13-15, 2025 | SLP Summit– Virtual
February 4-6, 2025 | Black Men’s Brain Health Conference– New Orleans, LA
March 23-25, 2025 | ConnAPA Conference– New Orleans, LA
April 23-26, 2025 | NBASLH– Long Beach, CA
June 4-9, 2025 | 100 Black Men of America Annual Conference– New Orleans, LA
Additional Appearances
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 October) Black Women Know Sports Podcast. Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 September) Life, Language, & Lyrics with Laina Podcast. Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 August) Swallow Your Pride Podcast. Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (2024 June) Pitts N Push Sports Talk Radio Podcast. Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (2023 May) Treating Medical Cases Through Telepractice. SpeechTherapyPD.com Podcast. Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (March 2023) Accent Modification Through Telepractice. SpeechTherapyPD.com Podcast. Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (2023) Assessing Aphasia Utilizing Standardized and Non-Standardized Analysis. SpeechTherapyPD.com CEU Course. Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (2023) Functional Treatment and Tools for Aphasia. SpeechTherapyPD.com CEU Course. Virtual.
Uitenham, K. A. (2023) Telepractice for The Medical SLP: Functional Treatment and Caregiver Inclusion. SpeechTherapyPD.com CEU Course. Virtual.